ISBI 2023 Leaderboards

We re-evaluated all submissions at full resolution and determined each submission's significance rank (for more information on rankings, please see the Assessment page). For the reduced leaderboard rankings, we ran the ranking algorithm on each team's submissions, picked the highest-ranked submission per team, then re-ran the ranking algorithm on the reduced set of entries, which contained one submission per team. 

Great job everyone, and thanks for your participation! If you submitted to any of the leaderboards and have not yet made contact with the lead organizer, please send an email to We'd like to include all approaches in our IEEE TMI paper and cannot do so without making contact with all teams. 

C. elegans

Leaderboard [full]

Leaderboard [best submission per participant]


Leaderboard [full]

Leaderboard [best submission per participant]


Leaderboard [full]

Leaderboard [best per participant]

Score Distributions